Christopher Wicks

Died 14th April 1918

Age 21

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Mr and Mrs Alfred & Flora Wicks of Tong Mill, received the sad news of the death in France of their forth son from Captain L Buckley:

Dear Sir,

I very much regret to have to inform you of the death of your son. He was on detailed duty with another M.A.C (Motor Ambulance Corps) and it appears that his car was struck by a shell, and as far as I can say he was killed instantly. I can assure you that it has been a great blow to me, as he was one of the best fellows I had on the convoy, always willing to do what was asked of him, and never a word or sign of dissent. He was one of the most popular lads in the unit and a great favourite. A keen football player and the best in the team. He had done splendid work during the retreat, and though driving night and day, he never asked to be relieved of his duties, knowing the difficulty I had finding spare men to do his job while he had a rest. He received the full rites of the burial service and lies in a small cemetery near Amiens along side so many gallant brothers in arms.